NMDC'24 2024 Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference
October 22-25 2024 | Salt Lake City, UT, USA
2024 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC)
21 - 24 October 2024, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

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Last updated on October 23, 2024. This conference program is tentative and subject to change

Technical Program for Thursday October 24, 2024

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ThPL  Plenary Session, Wasatch 1/2 Add to My Program 
Plenary Thursday, John Rogers, Northwestern University  
Chair: Donahoe, Daniel1000 Kilometers
Co-Chair: Rannow, RkSelf
09:00-10:00, Paper ThPL.1 Add to My Program
 Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Transient Electronics John A. Rogers, Northwestern University

Rogers, John A (Northwestern University)
ThAT1  Technical Session, Parleys 1 Add to My Program 
Nanoelectronics II  
Chair: Rawat, AmitaUniversity of California, Davis
Co-Chair: Jost, RandyUtah State University
10:30-12:00, Paper ThAT1.1 Add to My Program
 Defect Induced Electro-Optical Properties of CVD Grown MoSe2

Chaudhary, Vivek (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University), Chergui Hali, Mohammed (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University), Martyniuk, Oleh (Central European Institute of Technology), Talonpa Tchoffo, Djuric Brice (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University), Neugebauer, Petr (Central European Institute of Technology, Brno University), El Fatimy, Abdel (Universite Mohammed VI Polytechnique)
10:30-12:00, Paper ThAT1.2 Add to My Program
 Effects of Cell Aspect Ratio and Applied Pulse Parameters on Resistance Drift in Ge2Sb2Te5 PCM Nanodevices

Mazhar, Tasneem (North South University), Muneer, Sadid (United International University), Noor, Nafisa (North South University)
10:30-12:00, Paper ThAT1.3 Add to My Program
 Modeling and Simulation of Designing a 32nm CNTFET-Based Bio-Sensor

Farhana, Soheli (Harvard University)
10:30-12:00, Paper ThAT1.4 Add to My Program
 Machine Learning-Assisted Nanowire Based Ferroelectric-FET for High Computational Speed and Accuracy

Yadav, Shailendra (IIT Roorkee), Nehete, Hemkant (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India), Saini, Shipra (IIT Roorkee), Kaushik, Brajesh (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
ThAT2  Technical Session, Parleys 2 Add to My Program 
Nanorobotics & Nanomanufacturing  
Chair: Brown, MikeTexas Instruments
Co-Chair: Jost, RandyUtah State University
10:30-12:00, Paper ThAT2.1 Add to My Program
 A Burn-In-Test Based on a Modified JEDEC Thermal Cycling Standard for Carbon Nanotube Based Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs)

Jung, Michael (University of Georgia), Zhao, Yiping (University of Georgia)
10:30-12:00, Paper ThAT2.2 Add to My Program
 Design, Simulation, and Fabrication of a Terahertz Antenna Using Two-Photon Polymerization

Islam, Azizul (Youngstown State University), Borra, Vamsi (Youngstown State University), Adu-Gyamfi, Daniel (Youngstown State University), Itapu, Srikanth (Alliance University), Li, Frank (Youngstown State University), Cortes, Pedro (Youngstown State University)
10:30-12:00, Paper ThAT2.3 Add to My Program
 A Nanostructure-Electrode-Based Electrochemical Sensor for Detection of Lactate Dehydrogenase

Uchayash, Sajid (Iowa State University), Que, Sunney (Ames High School, Ames, Iowa), Md Fazlay, Rubby (Iowa State University), Que, Long (Iowa State University)
10:30-12:00, Paper ThAT2.4 Add to My Program
 Investigation of Half-Metallic Dichalcogenide Alloy for Highly Selective Gas Adsorption

Ayesh, Ahmad (Qatar University)
ThBT1  Technical Session, Parleys 1 Add to My Program 
Nanoelectronics Nanofab  
Chair: Rannow, RkSelf
Co-Chair: Jost, RandyUtah State University
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT1.2 Add to My Program
 Investigation of Silk Fibroin Natural Protein As a Gate Dielectric in Flexible Organic Field-Effect Transistors

Konwar, Gargi (IIT Jodhpur), Tiwari, Shree Prakash (IIT Jodhpur)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT1.3 Add to My Program
 Interplay and Effects of Atomicity, Polarization Fields, and Quantization on Variability in GaN FinFETs: A Multiscale Numerical Analysis

Almenshad, Salim (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Alalawi, Aqeel (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Ahmed, Shaikh (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT1.4 Add to My Program
 Finite Element Simulations of Phase Change Memory Devices Using Semiconductor Physics

Muneer, Sadid (United International University), Noor, Nafisa (North South University)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT1.5 Add to My Program
 Stress-Induced Microstructures and Nanogaps Embedded in Plasmonic Gratings

Sun, Sky (University of Denver), Kim, Mido (University of Denver), Hasan, Juiena (University of Denver), Bok, Sangho (University of Denver)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT1.6 Add to My Program
 Characterization of Pyroelectric Effect in Zr/Si Co-Doped HfO2 Thin-Films

Neuber, Markus (Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS), Benyeogor, Mbadiwe Samuel (Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS)), Kämpfe, Thomas (Fraunhofer IPMS)
ThBT2  Technical Session, Parleys 2 Add to My Program 
Chair: Puliafito, VitoPolitecnico Di Bari, Italy
Co-Chair: Tabib-Azar, MassoodUniversity of Utah
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT2.1 Add to My Program
 Image Edge Extraction Using SOT-MRAM Based In-Memory Computing

Neelathi, Venkata Naga Aravind (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India), Verma, Gaurav (IIT Roorkee), Soni, Sandeep (IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India), Shukla, Alok Kumar (IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India), Sehgal, Anubha (IIT Roorkee), Roy, Sourajeet (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), Kaushik, Brajesh (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT2.2 Add to My Program
 A DFT Study of Ni-Doped GaSb for Spintronic Applications

Rasul, Md. Rifat E (Khulna University of Engineering & Technology), Susan, Sunjana (Khulna University of Engineering & Technology), Islam, Md Rafiqul (Khulna University of Engineering & Technology)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT2.3 Add to My Program
 Impact of Advanced STDP Variability in Spiking Neural Network Using Unsupervised Learning

Sehgal, Anubha (IIT Roorkee), Verma, Gaurav (IIT Roorkee), Roy, Sourajeet (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), Kaushik, Brajesh (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT2.4 Add to My Program
 Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion Motion Along Nanotrack with DMI Imperfections

Saini, Shipra (IIT Roorkee), Shukla, Alok Kumar (IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India), Verma, Ravi Shankar (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), Raj, Ravish Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), Kaushik, Brajesh (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT2.5 Add to My Program
 AFM Skyrmion Based Neuron Device Utilizing Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction Gradient

Raj, Ravish Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), Saini, Shipra (IIT Roorkee), Verma, Ravi Shankar (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), Kumar, Mohit (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India), Kaushik, Brajesh (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
13:00-15:00, Paper ThBT2.6 Add to My Program
 Spin-Coupled-Si3N4 Trampoline and Piezoelectric Resonator Devices

Tabib-Azar, Massood (University of Utah), Baker, Brian (University of Utah)
ThCT1  Technical Session, Parleys 1 Add to My Program 
Chair: Spicer, James B.Johns Hopkins University
Co-Chair: Valdez Sandoval, LeslieInstituto Politécnico Nacional
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT1.1 Add to My Program
 Interfacial Design of Two-Dimensional Nanoelectronics

Li, Huamin (University at Buffalo)
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT1.2 Add to My Program
 Piezoresistance Responsive Smart Nanocomposite

Bardea, Amos (Holon Institute of Technology HIT), Patolsky, Fernando (Tel-Aviv University)
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT1.3 Add to My Program
 Method for Yield Enhancement of ReRAM Memory Arrays Via Reference Voltage Calibration

Sherifamer16, Sherif Amer (Schweitzer Engineering Labs), Emara, Ahmed (The American University in Cairo), Amer, Hassanein (AMERICAN UNIVERSITY in CAiro)
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT1.4 Add to My Program
 Fabrication and Optimization of Polymer-Based Nanocomposites with Enhanced Dielectric and Mechanical Properties

Singh, Amit (Rowan University), Ericksen, Jared (Rowan University), Uddin, Kazi (Rowan University), Koohbor, Behrad (Rowan University), Yu, Lei (Rowan University), Xue, Wei (Rowan University)
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT1.5 Add to My Program
 Niobium and Tantalum Derived Nanoscale Transition Metal Perovskite Oxide Nanocrystals and Nanocomposite Dielectrics

Obrien, Stephen (The City College of New York, CUNY)
ThCT2  Technical Session, Parleys 2 Add to My Program 
Nano Acoustic / Diamond / Materials  
Chair: Spicer, James B.Johns Hopkins University
Co-Chair: Rannow, RkSelf
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT2.1 Add to My Program
 Source Engineered Doping Tunnel Free FET for RF and Analog Applications

Bashir, Faisal (King Faisal University), Zahoor, Furqan (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals), Alzahrani, Ali S (King Faisal University)
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT2.2 Add to My Program
 Performance Limits of a Polymer Matrix Nanocomposite As a Photoacoustic Transmitter for Retinal Stimulation

Patterson, Alexandra (Johns Hopkins University), Song, Hyunwoo (Johns Hopkins University), Xu, Keshuai (Johns Hopkins University), Kang, Jeeun (Johns Hopkins University), Boctor, Emad (Johns Hopkins), Spicer, James B. (Johns Hopkins University)
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT2.3 Add to My Program
 Silver Nanoparticles Loaded Cellulose Nanofibers (CNF)/mesoporous Bioactive Glass Hydrogels for Periodontitis Treatment

Pallapothu, Anika (Novaltech)
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT2.4 Add to My Program
 Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of NiMn₂O₄ Electrode Synthesized Via Sol-Gel Technique for Supercapacitor Applications

Duddi, Raman (Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh), Singh, Arun (Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to Be University)), Kumar, Sanjeev (Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to Be University))
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT2.5 Add to My Program
 Investigation on Coating Process Parameters Control of PET-Cu Composite Current Collector

Yunhe, Fu (Northeastern University), Chen, Shulei (Northeastern University), Hao, Ming (Northeastern University), Wang, Guipeng (Northeastern University), Xie, Yuanhua (Northeastern University), Ba, Yaoshuai (Northeastern University), Chen, Zhengwei (Poiseuille Vacuum Technology (Shenyang) Co., Ltd), Liu, Kun (Northeastern University)
15:20-17:30, Paper ThCT2.6 Add to My Program
 Bismuth Silicon Oxide Receiver for Low Frequency Ultrasound from a Liquid Metal Transducer with Carbon Nanofibers

Garcia, Nicholas (North Carolina State University), Vinod, Kaushik (North Carolina State University), Wu, Huaiyu (NC State University), Fonner, Quinn (North Carolina State University), Yu, Fapeng (Shandong University), Zhang, Shujun (Wollongong University), Fang, Tiegang (North Carolina State University), Jiang, Xiaoning (North Carolina State University)




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